À propos Acier Pointe Claire

Pointe-Claire Steel Inc. specializes in the warehousing, processing and distribution of flat carbon steel products. Our story begins in 1967 at a 40,000 square foot facility in Pointe-Claire, Quebec, serving the province and beyond. Green Valley Steel was founded in 1995 and has grown to a 65,000 square foot production and warehousing center in Bolton, Ontario. In 2014, the two divisions merged and Acier Pointe-Claire inc. was formed.

On May 4, 2020, Pointe Claire / Green Valley Steel Group Inc. is acquired by Imperial Manufacturing Group, a private company primarily engaged in the construction and air distribution products industry headquartered in Richibucto, New Brunswick. With this acquisition, Pointe Claire / Green Valley Steel Group Inc. becomes Acier Pointe Claire Inc., a member of the Imperial Manufacturing Group. The objective remains to offer customers the same high level of quality and the same reliable services that they expect.

Possibilités d’emploi actuelles

Acier Pointe Claire n'a aucune offre d'emploi à l'heure actuelle.