Titre du poste ou emplacement

Actor / Guide

Fredericton, NB
Posté hier
Détails de l'emploi :

Disclaimer: Please note that the job posting you are about to read has been automatically generated by OpenAI based on a brief description sourced from WorkingNB.

Job Title: Actor / Guide

Company Name: Calithumpians

Job Category: Hospitality and Food Service


Fredericton Outdoor Summer Theatre is a non-profit tour and theatre company comprised of: The Calithumpians, who perform live lunchtime theatre, guide the Haunted Hike at night and conduct workshops with our drama camps; The Fredericton Fencibles, who perform Guard House Theatre and conduct tours of downtown Fredericton, the Historic Garrison District, and The Guard House National Historic Site; and our "Act Now!" Drama Camps for youth age 6 to 14, led by a group of drama camp counselors. This 12-14 week position will be with one of the three troupes outlined above for our 2025 summer season. Candidates will be required to audition / interview with our company in late April / early May. We work with performers of all experience levels and backgrounds. Our hiring process is open to all, and we encourage the participation of the Government of Canada's job equity groups! For more info & to apply, email [email protected]

Workplace Essential Skills:

  • Reading
  • Document use
  • Writing
  • Numeracy
  • Oral communication
  • Working with others
  • Thinking skills
  • Computer use
  • Continuous learning

A candidate (student) must:

  • Be a resident of New Brunswick (must have lived in New Brunswick for at least 6 months) or a First Nation community in New Brunswick;
  • Be eligible to work in Canada (must have a valid SIN number);
  • NOT be an immediate family member (spouse, children, parent, brother or sister) of the employer;
  • Be a high school student entering grade 10, 11, or 12 in September 2024; OR
  • Be a full-time Grade 12, university or college student in the current academic year of 2023-2024 AND attending a post-secondary institution full-time in the fall of 2024.

Disclaimer: Please note that the job posting you are about to read has been automatically generated by OpenAI based on a brief description sourced from WorkingNB.

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