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ERA Energy Energy Consultant.

ERA Energy
Toronto, ON
Posted 4 days ago
Job Description
Help clients understand their energy usage and develop plans to help reduce energy consumption, in order to save on costs and reduce carbon footprint. A few of the duties are:
- Looking at individual's or company sources of energy.
- Creating models with different energy sources.
- Helping examining manufacturing processes.
- Monitoring energy consumption.
- Also work with government agencies to obtain certifications.
One of the most important skills that an energy consultant will have is their ability to identify areas where energy consumption can be lowered. Another skill is attention to detail as the energy consultant will need to be able to create a plan of action for the business.
Mathew 5:24-26 KJV
Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.
Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
  • Identify areas where energy consumption can be reduced
  • Communicate options effectively with client
  • Look at appliances in a home and make recommendations
  • Investigate alternative sources of power
  • Model energy usage of a business
  • Keep up to date on the latest trends in the energy industry
  • Work with businesses to obtain green certifications
  • Recommend energy saving light fixtures
Zechariah 4:6
Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.
W-2 Employee, All Positions Of Placement. An Excellent Retirement Plan And A Vision For The Future Ahead.
Commission: Monthly, $19,600 - $78,400. Payment Structure: W-2, Weekly Deposits. Bonus available.
Retirement in company after 5 years.
A Company Abiding In The Holy Spirit, A Place Where You Can Live In Step With Him, And Where He Can Flow, Pour And Fill His Vessels Freely. Equipping The Employee With Everything They Need To Have Great Success. Joshua 1:8 KVJ.
Working In A Godly Environment, All Biblical Values, Beliefs, Principles And Code Of Conduct.
James 1:17 KJV
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

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