About WorkSafeNB
WorkSafeNB administers no-fault workplace accident and disability insurance for employers and their workers, funded solely through assessments on employers. All employers having three or more workers are obligated to obtain compensation coverage.
WorkSafeNB is committed to preventing workplace injuries and illness through education and enforcement of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
WorkSafeNB is administered by a board of directors consisting of the chairperson, a vice-chairperson, the president and CEO (non-voting member), the chairperson of the Appeals Tribunal (non-voting member), five members representing workers, and five members representing employers. Other than the president & CEO and the chairperson of the Appeals Tribunal, members of the board of directors serve part-time.
WorkSafeNB's mandate is to:
- Promote the creation of a workplace safety culture in which all employees and employers view all occupational diseases and accidents as being preventable.
- Promote an understanding, acceptance, and compliance with all legislation for which WorkSafeNB is responsible, including the enforcement of the OHS Act and regulations.
- Provide timely compensation benefits, medical aid, rehabilitation, and safe return-to-work services to injured workers.
- Provide sustainable insurance and insurance-related services to the employer community.
- Represent stakeholders and provide recommendations and advice to government with respect to legislation, and publish such reports, studies, and recommendations WorkSafeNB considers advisable.
Assessments are affected by the level of activities in the province's workplaces, as are the resulting claims. There are also substantial assets that ensure WorkSafeNB will be able to provide the ongoing benefits promised to injured workers through a wage loss recovery insurance system. These funds are invested in the financial markets and investment returns are subject to the ups and downs of the marketplace.
Regional Services
WorkSafeNB's head office is located in Saint John.
More Info
For more information, please visit www.worksafenb.ca
Toll Free: 1-800-999-9775
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