Unit Coordinator RN 1.0 FTE

Unit Coordinator RN 1.0 FTE
Rosecrest is a progressive community that delivers long term care services in a way that recognizes the strengths and abilities of individuals and their families. The people living and working in our communities come first. Rosecrest Communities are full of fun, joy, laughter, and true companionship. It's the people who make the difference.
The Sagewood - Lower Sackville, NS
The Sagewood is located at 345 Cobequid Rd, Lower Sackville. The home accommodates 50 people in total. There are four cottages within the home with 12 to 13 individuals, each in a single room with a private washroom. Each cottage has its own living room, dining room, bathing suites and access to enclosed garden spaces.
Rosecrest embraces a resident-directed approach to care. As a Unit Coordinator you work collaboratively with residents, their families and the Rosecrest team to provide exceptional care and to promote the benefits of healthy lifestyles.
Job Responsibilities:
Day to Day operations related to resident care
Doctor's Day and Biannual Reviews
Investigates incident reports/follow up for residents
Submits monthly wound care report.
Organize bloodwork.
Makes updates to care plans as needed
PDDP Order
Assist with Day to Day staffing and Communication
Facilities Risk management.
Ensure residents have current and appropriate care plans and assessments
Daily status
Communicate with families.
Send referrals as needed
Coordinates and monitors InterRai
Facilitates Challenging Behaviors Meeting
Drug Utilization Meeting
Quality Improvement
Note: This is not an exhaustive list of responsibilities.
Must hold a Registered Nurse (RN) Liscense valid in Nova Scotia
Clear Criminal Record with Vulnerable Sector Check
Long Term Care Experience an assett